Economic Complementation Agreement Definition

Article 9: Agreements on the partial scope are governed by the following general rules: Member States commit to drawing up as soon as possible an agreement regulating the content of the paragraph of the procedure, by setting these privileges and immunities. Article 12: Agricultural agreements aim to promote and regulate intra-regional trade in agricultural and animal products. They envisage elements of flexibility that take into account the socio-economic characteristics of the production of the participating countries. These agreements may cover certain products or product groups and may be based on temporary, seasonal concessions, quotas or mixed concessions, or contracts between governmental or para-governmental organizations. They are subject to the specific provisions to be made in this matter. The objective of foreign direct investment is to create long-term and sustainable interests of foreign entrepreneurs in the recipient country for economic purposes. The importance of direct resources lies in the fact that they play an important catalyst for development. In this sense, foreign direct investment has a significant positive impact on a country`s productivity and competitiveness, creating jobs, increasing savings and foreign exchange reserves, promoting competition and promoting the transfer of new technologies and exports. The Directorate General for Foreign Investment (DGIE, Spanish) is the administrative unit of the economic secretariat responsible for enforcing the law on foreign investment and, in particular, the management and operation of the National Register of Foreign Investment (RNIE, in Spanish), the production and publication of statistics on inflows and as the technical secretariat of the National Commission for Foreign Investment (CNIE). ( ) in Spanish).

The DGIE also represents Mexico in international investment, contributes to investment promotion, disseminates information and studies on the country`s investment climate and encourages the adoption of public policies where appropriate. Information on investment promotion and attraction activities is available from ProMéxico, a government agency responsible for coordinating strategies to strengthen Mexico`s participation in the global economy. Article 1: Through this Treaty, the parties are following the process of integration that leads to the promotion of harmonious and balanced socio-economic development in the region and, in this sense, they are founding the Latin American Integration Association (`Association`), based in Montevideo, in the east of the Republic of Uruguay. The automotive industry has become one of the key elements of the economic development of the Latin American region, especially for Mexico and Brazil, which are considered the largest economies in terms of population and gross domestic product. The Economic Complementarity Agreement 55 has contributed significantly to the development of automotive production in these countries. Article 8: Agreements within the scope of partial application may cover trade, economic supplementation, agriculture, trade promotion or adopt other modalities in accordance with Article 14 of the Treaty.

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