Article 12.01 of the AEP Control Agreement allows the union to appoint observers to professional competitions. The AEP exercises its right to observer in cases where there is reason to believe that some competition may not go overboard. As a general rule, the union appoints a local AEP representative who fulfills the observer obligation. This obligation is as follows: the collective weighing agreement does not allow the employer to include the required hours in the worker`s work program, bringing the average to more than 35 hours per week. What are the current rights of AEP members under the collective agreement? (b) where they are not appointed, are directly or indirectly responsible for the performance of their duties, government officials or agents or the proper performance of their duties; (2) Despite subsection 1, a collective agreement provides for a longer or shorter notice period than the period provided for in paragraph 1, this provision of the collective agreement has an effect and is considered to be justified under this Act. Classification standards differ and classify work categories, with each level more responsible or heavier than the lower level. For each public service position, there is (or must be a job description) and each position is assessed and ranked according to a classification standard. The LSO plan is a classification standard; it distinguishes five different levels of responsibility, LSO 1 to 5. Psychologists, physiotherapists and pharmacists are subject to different classification standards. Copies of current classification standards are available from the AEP. (b) an approved professional bargaining unit, including all workers in a professional classification in the public service classification structure, which is a member of an association that, prior to July 1, 1998, had the legal authority to allow a person to practice that profession with fewer persons than the persons described in paragraph (a) or (9) if the dispute related to the main collective agreement under Section 10 , paragraph 1, point a) , the vote must take place on all union members admitted as negotiators of one of the bargaining units described in Section 4. (b) the reduction of the conditions for shortening the conditions that must be obtained in accordance with the matters provided by this law in a collective agreement and other issues agreed upon by the parties, and (3) If no agreement is reached under paragraph 2, the workers` negotiator may ask the board of directors to terminate the collective agreement.