Csea Local 1000 Agreement

On July 28, 2020, SEIU Local 1000 filed, on behalf of all CDCR/CCHCS members, a health and safety complaint for breach of our contract by the department. New position: www.seiu1000.org/post/important-update-seiu-local-1000-president-yvonne-r-walker-0 www.seiu1000.org/post/message-president-yvonne-r-walker-regarding-coronavirus-or-covid-19-0 Representative by the Civil Service Employees Association, Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Inc. (CSEA), the Administrative Services Unit consists primarily of office support and administrative staff, including office assistants, agents and computer scientists. On September 18, 2020, our union met with management for a phone recording. Christina Montserrat and Susan Espinoza participated in CDPH (California Department of Public Health) and Andres Villarto, Kim Cowart and Mo Kashmiri participated on behalf of our Union. 1) Two new additional communications Recently, the California Department of Health (CRPD) sent our union two new communications on changes in working conditions: Thank you to everyone who sent applications for hiring and hiring (Article 5.17.1). We look forward to your applications. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our schedule has changed, but we plan to regroup as a team if certain to do so The Cal/OSHA Aerosol Transmissible Disease (ATD) standard is a regulation applicable to healthcare, corrections, and other high-risk environments. On July 28, 2020, our union filed a national health and safety complaint against CDCR and CCHCS. THE CDCR and CCHCS responded in a timely manner to our complaint on August 10, 2020. AGREEMENT ON ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. Agreement between the New York State Executive (the “State”) and the Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (“CSEA”) Learn how California`s Transmissible Aerosol Standard (TDA) continues to protect us from the novel COVID-19 virus.

On August 25, 2020, our union was informed by members that an email from Heidi Steinecker had been sent to employees ordering HFEN to sign a new service statement. Our union immediately contacted CDPH Labor Relations and informed them that we were still in the meet-speaker process and that our union had not accepted mandatory reporting. We also requested that mandatory reporting be immediately removed. .

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