Gardening Services Agreement

The table below shows the monthly fees associated with this horticulture contract as well as all applicable taxes or rebates. The gardening contract document can be used by gardeners who work as individual contractors or through a partnership or business. The customer hereglenly invites the supplier to provide the following gardening services: These are our stencil requirements for horticulture contracts. The model was designed to be used by gardening service providers as a standard contract document. Customer signature is required on this form and on the attached form “Gardening Service Rates and Policies” before the work is completed. The client undertakes to grant City Floral and all subcontractors unlimited access to the property during business hours in order to carry out the work under this agreement. A minimum travel fee can be determined if the required access is not available at the time of service or notification. There is no insurance, promise, conditions, obligations or guarantees relating to the purpose of this page, along with any other than those expressly stated, are legally binding or effective. The amendment to this agreement is made only in writing, signed by both parties. This agreement is formed in accordance with the laws of the state of Colorado.

The work is calculated with a rate of 45.00 USD per man`s hour (1 person/1 hour) for all work performed with a minimum of 1 hour. Personal maintenance and gardening services typically employ a crew of 2 to 3 people, but the size of the crew may vary depending on the specific requirements of the work depending on the project or visit. If one of the parties wishes to terminate this contract, if no party has breached the contract, it can do so by a written notification without notice to the other party. The effective date of the termination is the start of the next monthly cycle after the 30-day notification period. In the event of termination, City Floral`s client must pay all the sums owed for the work work until the expiry date of the included termination. If, during this period, the Customer were to obstruct or refuse the Service, the total amount owed will be calculated on the basis of a recurring average fee for the last 3-month period. This gardening contract is entered into by [Sender.Company] (supplier) and [Client.Name] (customer) from [Contract.CreatedDate]. The services, prices and conditions contained in this contract are considered to be the whole relationship between suppliers and customers. A copy of these general gardening services is included in the following lot: Periodic or unique gardening services. If so, please consider individual proposals/agreements regarding project description and quotes.

For more information on rates and general policies, see the attached “gardening service rates and policies.” PandaTip: Use the text field in this section of the garden contract model to describe the specific services the customer buys.

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